Remote Health Placements

Open up your experience

When you join the NT Remote Locum Program, you will work in remote and very remote NT Aboriginal communities with constant support from experienced remote health specialists. We’re there for you so you can focus on delivering quality healthcare where it’s needed.

From your first placement and onwards, we’ll support you with clinical and cultural training.

The NT Remote Locum Program partners with community-controlled organisations in remote NT communities to understand their healthcare needs and how we can help to meet them.

You will contribute to closing the gap on health outcomes for Aboriginal communities in a way that’s culturally and locally responsive.

Get more information for first placements

Process of becoming a NT Remote Locum Program health professional

Who should apply

We’re looking for GPs, Registered Nurses, oral health professionals and Audiologists who are open to placements of 3 to 12 weeks. You don’t need remote working experience to apply, but you do need to meet minimum eligibility requirements.

Help to transition

Before your first placement with the NT Remote Locum Program, you will have valuable face-to-face cultural training before you start. Our cultural advisor will assist and mentor you to transition to working on Country.

If your join as a GP or Registered Nurse, you will also have Remote Educator (RE) support on your first placement.

REs help with clinical and cultural transition to working and living remote.

Support while remote

With the NT Remote Locum Program's Indigenous leadership and networks, you will build connections with communities to respond to needs on the ground.

We’ll also support you to continue your remote health and cultural education with online learning access.

Your travel and accommodation will be taken care of. Plus, all NT Remote Locum Program health professionals have 24/7 support from our team in Canberra.

Know the process

The NT Remote Locum Program recruits and deploys qualified health professionals to help address critical short-term workforce shortages in remote Aboriginal communities.

You can work as a casual employee or a contractor.


Learn about remote placements