Strong remote healthcare through strong partnerships

Our Indigenous-focused strategy is about filling short-term remote healthcare workforce needs in genuine partnership with your service.

We deeply respect your expertise and knowledge. We reinforce – we don’t compete.

Our pool of skilled and qualified health professionals according to your goals, including:

  • General Practitioners (GP)
  • Registered Nurses (RN)
  • Oral Health Professionals
  • Audiologists

Find out more about NT Remote Locum Program

Indigenous-focussed strategy supporting Closing the Gap

NTRLP is a leading, Indigenous-focused program to support equity in health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

We do this by recruiting and deploying urban health professionals for 3 to 12 weeks to support remote health services.

Only the best health professionals work for the NT Remote Locum Program. And we give them 24/7 wrap-around support so they provide your community with safe, quality services.

Being a team of Indigenous-led remote health workforce specialists, we’re placed to deliver a strategy that centres on the Closing the Gap Priority Reforms:

  1. Formal Partnerships and Shared Decision Making
  2. Building the Community-Controlled Sector

We work for and with community. Every solution comes from strong and ongoing relationships where you drive the decisions.

Because of this partnership approach, you get genuine change and the best possible outcomes for people in your community.

Partner with us

Government-funded, backed by industry

The NT Remote Locum Program is a subsidiary of Aspen Medical. The NT Remote Locum Program is funded under the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care to help meet Closing the Gap health targets:

  • Close the gap in life expectancy within a generation, by 2031.
  • Halve the gap in mortality rates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children under 5, within a decade.

Trusted as a health workforce specialist

We value local capability and remote experience, bringing health workforce specialist knowledge to the table.

We’re about partner-design solutions. When we work with community, peak bodies and organisations, we partner to place health professionals where they’re needed.

Health professionals return to NT Remote Locum Program for repeat placements because they feel supported with:

  • 24/7 on-call clinical and personal support
  • free in-person and online cultural and clinical training
  • precise logistic planning
  • our team’s and network’s knowledge of remote community and clinic placement and cultural perspective.

See how the NT Remote Locum Program supports health professionals

Working in Partnership

We work in genuine partnership with your health service to support your workforce. Together, we can improve access to quality healthcare in your community and support Closing the Gap on health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.