
Christmas in community

‘Within 30 minutes of being back in my hometown of Melbourne, someone honked their horn and cut me off,’ says Tess McGuigan, Darwin-based Remote Area Health Corps (RAHC) Operations Manager.

Now or never

It’s a far cry from working night shifts at the neonatal intensive unit in the English city of Hull to life in a remote Northern Territory community. 

Hear here: Going with the flow

On chilly nights in Tasmania, Andrea Lovatt gets a warm glow when she thinks of her trips to the Northern Territory (NT). She recalls her rewarding work as a paediatric audiologist in scenic spots where the daytime temperatures can soar to 43 degrees.

Connecting Cultures: Perspectives of a Remote Area Nurse working in the Northern Territory

Connecting Cultures: Perspectives of a Remote Area Nurse working in the Northern Territory was first published in The Health Advocate on 24 February 2022.

For Remote Area Nurse Mayuko Homma, working in Northern Territory (NT) communities has brought unexpected bonuses.

Meet our Health Professionals: Lynne Gruell, Dental Therapist

RAHC works with an incredible team of General Practitioners, Registered Nurses, Dentists, Dental Therapists, Dental Assistants and Audiologists, one of whom is Dental Therapist Lynne Gruell.

RAHC Stories: Room with a View

The life of Adelaide dental nurse Vicki McFarlane changed dramatically when a friend shared her experience of working for RAHC. ‘I looked at the website and knew immediately this was for me,’ Vicki says. ‘So, I applied for leave from my part-time job with the South Australian Dental Service.’

Audiologist Bridget Gale shares her experience working within remote Indigenous communities

‘There’s a lot of chronic ear disease. I’ve seen surgeries that I’ve never heard of down south, and I work in disadvantaged areas’

Prepare to be challenged clinically and make some unforgettable memories along the way - Anna Curtin's story

New Zealand-born nurse Anna Curtin completed a short-term placement with RAHC and thereafter moved to work full-time with Indigenous women and children in Tennant Creek



RN Anna Curtin is now sharing her skills full time in Tennant Creek - ANMF March 2018 feature

Registered Nurse Anna Curtin's RAHC story featured in the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal - March 2018 issue.

Ken Farmer went on a three-week placement and three years later he’s still there

The 34-year-old has embraced the community, played local football and says he has seen things that most Australians will never see.

There is so much more to learn and talk about

Dr Bruce and Dr Jennifer Barker' story in CRANAPlus March 2017 issue

Making a real difference in closing the gap

A General Practitioner truly passionate about Indigenous health outcomes, Dr Margaret Niemann, from Bairnsdale, Victoria, is the recipient of the 2016 Annette Walker Award.

General Practitioner, Dr Bruce Barker shares his and his wife Dr Jennifer Barker’s experience

I have been a GP for 35 years now, and for most of this time, we have been in minor centres, firstly near Geelong, Victoria and then Launceston, Tasmania.

New-to-remote health professional in the rustic and beautiful community of Galiwin’ku

We received some wonderful pictures from one of our Senior Dental Therapists, Angela Rankin, who recently had her first placement in Galiwin'ku (Arnhem Region).