The Remote Area Health Corps (RAHC) had a great year in 2022, with several milestones met and new programme updates rolled out. Our new Partnership Solutions Model, updated team structure and evolving Remote Educator programme have strengthened our capacity to respond to individual community and health service needs.

In 2022, RAHC oversaw the placement of more than 193 HPs across 90 communities in the Northern Territory (NT). 

In May 2022, RAHC was pleased to welcome Kim Whiteley to the position of National Manager. Additionally, 73 newly credentialed and re-credentialled HPs have joined the team, along with:

  • Jake Adam, Workforce Officer
  • Loni Fusitua, Workforce Officer
  • Joff Douglas, Remote Educator and Clinical Coordinator
  • Vesna Balaban, Remote Educator and Clinical Coordinator
  • Ira Chhabra, Senior Project Officer

RAHC also launched a new eLearning platform that improved user experience. Soon after, we celebrated 10,000 eLearning users joining the platform. We encourage all individuals interested in remote and indigenous health to explore the free modules at 

As COVID-19 restrictions eased, we were excited to be out and about again, meeting stakeholders, health service teams and health professionals face-to-face. In the last six months, RAHC has attended six conferences, including:

Thank you to everyone involved in the RAHC programme throughout 2022. 

If you are interested in contributing to closing the healthcare gap in 2023, visit: