Being able to look after a child in the night and save their eardrum is just one of the many experiences Odette Lakatos, a 52 year-old nurse from Sydney, recalls when describing her experiences of working for RAHC in the Northern Territory.
Odette applied to RAHC after hearing a nursing friend’s stories of her time working with Indigenous communities in the NT. While Odette found the transition from working two days a week to five a challenge, she enjoyed the opportunity to practice skills she hadn’t used in a long time and to experience living and working in an unfamiliar environment.
“Going to the NT was one of the best decisions I have made in a long time. I’d certainly recommend it to other nurses who want to get involved,” Odette said.
As a RAHC health professional, Odette provided support to the hard-working permanent health workforce in remote Northern Territory communities.
“My most rewarding moments were making a difference to young girls, especially in terms of their sexual health. When one of the girls brought in her sisters so we could talk about their health too, I felt privileged that I was trusted to speak to the family and satisfied with my achievement."
By contributing to the improved health and wellbeing of Indigenous children, young people and families, RAHC professionals can make a difference by helping to improve access to services and health outcomes for Indigenous Australians.
Odette was also pleased with the accommodation and facilities provided. “My accommodation was great,” she said. “I thought there would be no facilities and limited medical equipment but the clinic was well prepared and stocked."
Overall, Odette believes her experience in the Northern Territory was life changing. “It’s become a focus for what I want to do with my life," she says.
Would you like to share your RAHC experience with other Health Professionals? We are always looking for RAHC Health Professionals to tell us about their experience, by preparing a RAHC story. If you are willing to share your story, please contact your Placement Consultant or email us.