Congratulations to Josh Stafford on winning the RAHC-sponsored Excellence in Mentoring Award at the 2018 CRANAplus conference which was held in Cairns, 20 – 22 September. Josh was recognised for his significant contribution to remote nursing within his role as Director of Nursing at the Lockhart River and Coen Primary Health Care Centre.
Josh has worked in Cape York for the past 10 years as a Remote Area Nurse (RAN) and now as the Director of Nursing. His peers describe him as being an excellent, kind and engaging clinician in remote practice and a very capable and caring manager. With this expertise, Josh shows excellence in mentoring for the development of remote nurses.
Described as an ambassador for the continued development of the remote nursing workforce, Josh is a committed RAN and is dedicated to improving the health outcomes of the communities in North Queensland. He is currently involved in a program which supports the introduction of ‘early career nurses’ into remote primary health care centres, as well as being supportive to all members of his staff.
The Excellence in Mentoring Award was presented by RAHC’S Clinical Coordinators, Fiona Hildebrand and Lisa Breakwell.
Photo (L – R): Fiona Hildebrand, Josh Stafford and Lisa Breakwell